Pleasure Horse Society

On December 23rd 2010 the Horse Passport Agency Ltd took over the rights to maintain all 41,000 Pleasure Horse Society (PHS) passports. No new PHS passports have been issued since this date

If you have purchased a horse with a PHS passport you can download a change of ownership form or if the horse is already recorded in your name but you have moved house please download a change of address form.

Complete the form and return it and the passport with the correct fee to: Horse Passport Agency UK, PO Box 74, Ellesmere, SY12 2AD

Microchip: If your horse has been microchipped since the passport was issued this amendment needs to be confirmed by a vet on our Microchip Update form and fee of £13.50. The animal record and the Central Equine Database (CED) will then be updated and a receipt label will be posted to you to attach in the passport. It is a legal requirement that all equines in England, Wales and scotland are microchipped and registered on CED.

Gelding: If your horse has been gelded this amendment needs to be confirmed by a vet and requires the passport to be returned to our office along with a completed form and fee of £17.50. Download form or contact us for a form.

Death: If your horse has died please return the passport with a covering note stating the date and cause of death if known. If you are the registered owner you may ask for the passport to be returned to you if you enclose a stamped self addressed envelope.

For any other updates and duplicate passport requests please contact us.