New Passports

A horse should only have one passport, so you need to do everything you can to check that it has not been issued with a passport previously before applying for a New Passport. Check the microchip at

If you know the breeding of your horse (Sire & Dam) then you should contact a breed society as our passports are intended for horses of no known breeding.

To get a passport you will need to arrange for your vet to visit and complete this application form.

You can then either:

  • Ask your vet to take the form away and submit it online as your Agent. This is our Priority option. You will receive a 20% discount off the standard fee (if you pay within 10 days). We aim to issue the passport within 1 working day of payment and send it by first class post. 52% of passport applications were submitted online in 2024.


  • If you would prefer to post the form to us the fee is £36. Processing paper applications takes longer so for a correctly completed application allow 3 to 5 working days plus postage time from the time you make payment (credit/debit card or Postal Order) and the passport will be posted by 2nd class post.